Create Workflow Manager Farm - Default Settings

Now the installation has been completed, we will proceed with the configuration. Before you start configuring the Workflow Manager farm, please verify below points: 
  • Service account must have read permissions in AD (minimum in Computers & Users OUs).
  • Port 9000 should be available as Workflow Manager uses this port for its internal communication.

Run the Workflow Configuration Manager Wizard (Start menu -> All Programs -> Workflow Manager 1.0)
You will see a wizard like below:


You can chose first option if you don’t want to have any of your custom settings like port numbers, DB names etc. With this you would be using the default port and database names options.

With Default option, you would see below screen:

  • Provide SQL server instance name where you want Workflow Manager DBs get created.
  • Enter password for the account that you are using to configure WFM.
  • If you want to run Workflow manager services on HTTP, please check the option "Allow Workflow management over HTTP on this computer".
  • Provide "Certificate Generation Key". This could be any value but you need to remember this value as it will be used if you try to join any new server to the Workflow Manager farm.
  • Click Next (bottom right corner of the screen of WFM configuration wizard), you will see a screen like  below:

  •  So as you can see, there are no options for you to enter port numbers or DB names with the Default option. Click next and this will start the actual configuration of WFM farm.

Once this gets completed, WFM farm is ready with the Default options. :)

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