Create Workflow Manager Service Application and Connect!

Now when you have successfully created WFM farm, time to leverage the services in your SharePoint farm.

Please note whichever option (Default/Custom) you chose to configure the WFM farm, after successful completion, it would create a site in IIS - "Workflow Management Site":

Observe the bindings for this site (Remember the port options that you saw while running the configuration for WFM?):

Try to browse this site from server and it would take you to https://localhost:12290/. It should display XML content in IE:

Change the URL to http://localhost:12291/ and should display same content as above. This is just to ensure that our installation and configuration did not encounter any issues.

You should also be able to browse above URLs outside servers as well. For example:
Server name: abc
Domain name: xyz

Now, first you need to create the Workflow Service Application.

Go to Central Administration site -> Manage Service Applications -> New:

As you can see there is no option to create Workflow service application. So you need to create it using CA configuration wizard option:

Select Configuration Wizards, and you would see below:

Click Launch the Farm Configuration Wizard:

Click "Start the Wizard" option and you would see list of service applications configured/to be configured:

Deselect everything and select "Workflow Service Application" only and click Next button. This will create your workflow service application.

Now you should see this SA listed under the list of all service applications in your farm:

Browse this service application and you will see a message:

This happens because so far you have just configured the Workflow Manager farm, you are yet to register the WF services. So please execute below commands in PowerShell:

$a = Get-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig

$a.AllowMetadataOverHttp = $true

$a.AllowOAuthOverHttp= $true


Register-SPWorkflowService –SPSite –WorkflowHostUri

Host URI would be the URL that we were talking about above &
Let say your site URL is and consider if you chose http option then your command would look like below:

Register-SPWorkflowService –SPSite –WorkflowHostUri

This command may take few seconds to finish and once it gets executed successfully, try to browse your Workflow service application again. Service application will look like below:

And, that is it. You are all set to create your workflows in SharePoint 2013! :) Feel free to raise your questions.

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